Remedy for nail fungus: we choose the effective and low-cost

Athlete's foot is a disease caused by the which are fungi. Can affect the nail plate, the skin epidermis, and in the cases and in the internal organs. Often the disease occurs when the decrease of the immunity, in the case of any of the chronic diseases. Take the athlete's foot can be in bathrooms, swimming pools and other places more favorable for the existence and reproduction of the pathogenic germs. Getting sick is possible and in contact with the footwear of the sick, or through objects of common use.

fungus in the nails of the feet

The disease causes problems, not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also delivers the discomfort in the form of itching and even loss of the nail surface. The media publicity of nail fungus offers a lot of drugs to get rid of mycosis. However, cure very difficult, not every tool of nail fungus can help. What are the drugs that are more effective and low-cost? How to cure athlete's foot home of the means of fungus on the nails? We will talk about this later.

The causes of the

Onychomycosis develops in the case of decrease of the immunity, the presence of chronic diseases (cardiac, nervous, endocrine, systems of blood circulation). Direct infection occurs through contact of a healthy person with the sick onychomycosis. This can happen when you wear the shoes of the other, the use of the odd pedicure accessories, a visit to the bath house, saunas or beauty salon, where the bad faith sterilize the instruments.

The symptoms of the

In the initial stages of a fungus may not be present. Also, you can see a small speck on the plate of the nail of a yellowish color, which may be in the center or on the side. When there is a lack the treatment of the stain becomes more nail disk acquires a yellow tint, is thick, begins. At the same time, the patient will receive the bad smell of feet. Nail plate begins to crumble, the crumble of apple, is peeled off of the nail, pain occurs. The communication of the surface of the nail until such a state is threatening with the complete loss of the nail surface. Also the athlete's foot, in this case, you can go from the surface of the nail into the skin between the toes and the foot. Just launched a fungus very badly treated.

The value of the means of fungus on the nails of the feet

Currently, the market offers a wide variety of tools for nail fungus. This and ointments and creams, various sprays and even the lacquers of nail fungus. However, the effective remedy against fungus on the nails of the feet in each case must be selected individually. More than the body can respond with an allergic reaction in the use of the drug mycosis. Therefore, the drug should be formed only with the doctor, that will:

  • size of the defeat;
  • the duration of the disease;
  • the depth of the defeat;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

The new tools for nail fungus have a cumulative effect, capable of concentrate on the nail and act prolonged in time, to kill the pathogens onichamicosis.

The varnishes of fungi

If the disease is not running, for your treatment, you can use varnish. In the nail plate these tools are not visible. The manufacturer indicates that the enamel covers nails album, with the consequent damage to the infection. In addition, thanks to the drugs in the nail plate, creating conditions unfavorable for fungi in the conditions, the hydration and feeding purposes. Apply lacquers as a rule two times in the day, the course of treatment of four to twelve weeks.

the symptoms of nail fungus

Ointments, creams, sprays of fungi

The course of treatment must comply fully. If you totally grew up healthy nail disk, for the control should pass scraping in the analysis. Only he is able to confirm the complete liberation of the stimulant of the mycosis. The analysis should be given through fourteen days after the completion of the treatment, and then to thirty days.

If during treatment appears peeling of the skin, then, he started an allergic reaction to the medications. And if the cure for that moment has not yet arrived, you can test drugs to the lifting of the nail.

The iodine

Iodine is one of the home remedies against nail fungus. The iodine solution has fungicidal property. In addition, it acts as an antiseptic. Cure athlete's foot with the help of an iodine solution is possible, but only with the condition that the plate is amazed only in one-third. Prior to application, apply a drop of iodine on the skin and see the reaction of the skin during the day. This must be done to detect the possible presence of allergies. If the rash does not, mean that the product can be applied.

To get rid of onichamicosis, the iodine solution should be put on the plate of the affected nail two times a day, as well as the health of the nails for prevention – once every two days.

The second way to get rid of onichamicosis with the help of a solution of iodine is the following: it is necessary to mix the iodine with the water and floating on the water of the foot for ten minutes. Then the legs will be dry and the maximum crop affected disk. The skin around it should try peroxide. Then smear the affected area ointment, which has anti-bacterial components, and cover it with a bandage.

The vinegar

To cure the fungus is possible thanks to an environment in which the causal agents onichamicosis be not be able. But care must be taken in the application of this method: it can cause burns. Recipes with the use of vinegar:

  • In a bowl of hot water, pour a glass of vinegar. Soar feet in this solution for ten minutes. Then, apply drugs against fungi;
  • Mix the sunflower oil and vinegar in the same proportions. Wet vatku or a piece of gauze and set with the help of patch in the damaged tissue of the nail plate. The procedure to carry out every day.

The kombucha

Some grow this plant in the house to prepare a sweet drink and not even suspect that the fungus can help to get rid of onichamicosis. To do this, it is necessary a small piece of mushroom, grind and extend the nail plate with onychomycosis. The procedure performed several times a day. It is a popular remedy for nail fungus of the hands and feet is quite good.

The second recipe with the application of tea fungus – compress. The stratum of the mushroom leave in water for about twelve hours. Then do on the night of the part of the plant in the nail plate with onychomycosis and the top to attach polyethylene, put on the socks. The following morning the dressing is removed, wash the feet with warm water, exfoliated part of the nail clear. Spread the area affected by the iodine solution.


sodium bicarbonate fungus

Sodium bicarbonate is used as an auxiliary for the treatment of mycoses. Tubs with her to help drug against fungi is better to be introduced in the structure of the surface of the nail. It softens the nail plate, gives a higher disinfection effect. Tubs with it are prepared in the following manner:

  • In a container with seven liters of water per 45 grams of bicarbonate of soda and the same amount of laundry soap. Keep in this solution the feet for fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure in the space of four days;
  • The baking soda slowly pour in water until you obtain the consistency of a paste. Put it in sick of the nail plate and from above to drip the lemon juice. In the nail plate will feel the tingling sensation. Keep five minutes, then rinse off and apply antifungal ointment.

Rinse to the mouth

Some use it as a popular tool for combating nail fungus rinse for the mouth. In a container with water add rinser, the lemon juice and the vinegar. Keep the foot within fifteen minutes. It is a tool of fungus in the nails of the feet, but the therapy will result only in the case of the combination with antifungal drugs.

The prevention of the

The treatment onichamicosis is the nature of long-term, there are times that test a large number of different drugs, finally, in the treatment a lot of time and money. Therefore, more easy to prevent the infection, which your cure. To do this, you must comply with the following:

  • Not to put on others shoes;
  • Have your pedicure accessories;
  • If the footwear soaked, then to change immediately, the humidity – environment for the development of pathogens onichamicosis;
  • During the treatment of refrain from visiting the baths or of the basin;
  • If in your family is sick one, treatment must pass all things;
  • If You sweat a lot your feet should be washed frequently and dried. You can use talcum powder;
  • The socks must be of natural fabrics, the changes should be every day.